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Crossover: Trapeze and Sling w/ Becca DeAngelis

$46 Purchase required to enroll

Trapeze can be considered a rigid sling, while Sling can be considered a squishy trapeze. We’ll explore the similarities and differences between these apparatuses. We’ll roll, drop, wrap, and swirl on these seemingly unrelated apparatuses. Exploring the ways in which the same skills and pathways can be performed on both when applying techniques that account for their shape. We will find timing, wraps, walk-downs, and a few skills which don’t quite translate and the reasons behind that.


Beginner: Must be able to mount, sit, and stand on the trapeze and/or sling with minimal assistance, passing familiarity with either beginner sling or beginner trapeze skills.
Intermediate: Easily mount the trapeze and/or sling; be able to safely invert a few times over 2 hours
Advanced: Easily mount the trapeze and/or sling; be able to easily and safely invert repeatedly

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