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Workshops are specialized events that we run covering a specific topic in an intensive-style class, often with a visiting instructor.

Aerial Pole: Are you High? $46 Purchase required to enroll

An aerial pole rigged at chest height leaves room underneath the pole to move, dance and explore. This workshop will cover basic aerial pole spin technique and teach some flowy sequences to dance in and out of the spins.

Prerequisites: Students must have a two arm hold for 30 seconds on a vertical apparatus.

Beats for Beginners $46 Purchase required to enroll

We will learn the basics of what drives a beat and how to be efficient with our momentum. We will focus on proper engagement and technique as well as progressions to connect different types of beats and how we can incorporate them into a sequence.

Prerequisites: must have existing vertical apparatus aerial practice

Beats for Intermediate/Advanced $46 Purchase required to enroll

Building upon our existing knowledge of beats we will refine our technique while learning different beat combinations, how we can ascend and descend our apparatus with our beats, where we can find weightlessness, and start to introduce slack drags and pop-throughs.

Prerequisites: existing vertical apparatus training and knowledge of beats, confidently climb the rope/fabric and perform two clean inversions.

Big Girl Tricks on the Chinese Pole (instructor permission required) $46 Purchase required to enroll

Students will get a chance to practice full release tricks. We'll set up all the mats and try to huck some big tricks.

Prerequisites: Extremely comfortable with full baby slides. You will get more out of this if you have good dynamic pole skills (climbs, beats, and jumps).

Bungee Hoop: Next Steps w/Mykelle Walton $46 Purchase required to enroll

This intermediate hoop workshop will continue building from the last workshop in aerial bungee hoop. We will explore beat pathways and how to transition from bounce to bounce to create seemingly gravity defying poses. We will also begin to look at half and full release moves.

Prerequisites: Students must have taken intro to bungee hoop with Mykelle.

Chains and Loops Excite Me! $46 Purchase required to enroll

Explore aerial loops, a versatile apparatus that consists of two looped straps. Loops can resemble straps, sling, or act as a unique apparatus with its own moves. We will learn several simple, flowy, spin sequences, allowing students to explore additional shapes before looking at how these moves can be transferred to loops’ more painful cousin, chains!

Prerequisites: Simplest sequences are suitable for beginners. More advanced students can incorporate technique learned from other classes (like straps and sling) to expand on these sequences. Recommend bringing layers that cover armpits and midriff, and backs of knees

Crossover: Trapeze and Sling w/ Becca DeAngelis $46 Purchase required to enroll

Trapeze can be considered a rigid sling, while Sling can be considered a squishy trapeze. We’ll explore the similarities and differences between these apparatuses. We’ll roll, drop, wrap, and swirl on these seemingly unrelated apparatuses. Exploring the ways in which the same skills and pathways can be performed on both when applying techniques that account for their shape. We will find timing, wraps, walk-downs, and a few skills which don’t quite translate and the reasons behind that.


Beginner: Must be able to mount, sit, and stand on the trapeze and/or sling with minimal assistance, passing familiarity with either beginner sling or beginner trapeze skills.
Intermediate: Easily mount the trapeze and/or sling; be able to safely invert a few times over 2 hours
Advanced: Easily mount the trapeze and/or sling; be able to easily and safely invert repeatedly

Dance Trapeze Part I w/ Hayley Brown $46 Purchase required to enroll

In this two-part workshop, we’ll start with some mini sequences linking fun dance trapeze skills, semi-dynamic tricks, and skills in the ropes. We’ll progress to longer sequences using dynamic and static skills, work on a variety of beats, and finish up with spinning.

These workshops are geared toward intermediate/ advanced students who are comfortable inverting in the ropes and have the stamina (and callouses) for three hours of dance trapeze delight!

Dance Trapeze Part II w/ Hayley Brown $46 Purchase required to enroll

In this two-part workshop, we’ll start with some mini sequences linking fun dance trapeze skills, semi-dynamic tricks, and skills in the ropes. We’ll progress to longer sequences using dynamic and static skills, work on a variety of beats, and finish up with spinning.

These workshops are geared toward intermediate/ advanced students who are comfortable inverting in the ropes and have the stamina (and callouses) for three hours of dance trapeze delight!

Must have taken Dance Trapeze Part I

Diabolo for Everyone! $15 Purchase required to enroll

Let's get tangled up and then magically escape! This workshop will offer beginner-intermediate diabolo tricks focusing on magic knots, tosses, catches and stick releases! Whether you are picking up the diabolo for the first time or looking to increase your vocabulary and skills, this workshop is for you!

This workshop is led by Dani Lee and she has something for everyone. Whether you are picking up the diabolo for the first time or you're looking to increase your vocabulary and skills, this workshop is for Y-O-U!

Diabolos provided but if you have your own please bring

Drop Stacking Part I w/ Ren Carter-Tucker $46 Purchase required to enroll

In this workshop, students will learn the fundamentals of stacking drops, including how multi-directional drops can be safely approached, how wraps interact with each other, and why it is important to understand how drops work and why they work the way they do. This is a great
course for people just entering the fun new world of drop stacking! Prerequisites: Must be able to climb the fabric comfortably. Must be able to invert at any height comfortably.

Must be comfortable dropping a star drop, front dive, and bomb

Drop Stacking Part II w/ Ren Carter-Tucker $46 Purchase required to enroll

In this workshop, students will advance their knowledge of drop stacking. Building on what has already been explored in part one, students will expand their knowledge of drops, by learning new drop stacking combinations, as well as revisiting old ones with a new eye. While it
is not necessary to have taken “Drop Stacking Part One,” it could be a useful building block.

Prerequisites: Must have a comfortable double star, back dive, and front dive. Must be comfortable climbing the fabric and inverting at any hight. Understand directional changes in their body, as related to the fabric.

Floorwork for Aerialists w/ Lily Rubin-Miller $46 Purchase required to enroll

This is a ground based dance class with a range of exercises pulling from modern, jazz, and ballet technique. It is completely accessible for anyone, no dance background necessary. The majority of the class will be spent working with the floor as our apparatus, and learning a floorwork combination. Students will walk away with a sequence of moves and an understanding of how to build a sequence, which they can put into any future aerial or ground pieces they create.

Front Splits $24 Purchase required to enroll

Front splits are what most people think of when they think of a split: one leg in front and the other behind. Have you been working on your split for ages, but frustrated that you're not getting anywhere? Have you made splits a future goal, and you're looking for advice on where to start? Do you feel like your split is soooo close, but you can't quite touch down?

Let's take a deep dive into front splits! You'll learn tools, tricks, and drills to make progress, wherever you are on your split journey.

Prerequisites: none, though it's helpful to have tried a split before. If you're rehabbing an injury in your hips, knees, or thighs, you'll still learn useful tips and exercises, but you'll want to be a bit cautious with this one.

Fun Fabric Photoshoot Ideas w/ Ren Carter-Tucker $46 Purchase required to enroll

Have you ever wanted to do a fabric photoshoot, but have no idea where to start when planning poses? Then this workshop is for you! Learn a series of shapes and static holds that look excellent in photos. Not into photoshoots? No worries! This workshop is also an excellent
place to learn new static holds that are great for catching your breath in a performance.

Prerequisites: Must be able to climb the fabric. Must be able to confidently invert in the air. Comfort with back balance helpful but not required.

Get Ready for Aerial Class! $24 Purchase required to enroll

Have you wanted to sign up for an aerial class but felt intimidated or not sure if you’re ready? If that’s you come to our Aerial Prep Workshop, designed to demystify the basics of an aerial class, and help beginners feel comfortable when they show up on day one!

We’ll talk about what exactly an aerial class entails and what you can do to feel prepared for your first class. Students will learn several important basics like how to get into a sling or on a hoop, fundamental positions like hollow body, and techniques for warm ups and cool downs!

How to Balance a Thing $15 Purchase required to enroll

Students will learn how to balance a thing on their hands, feet, face, or just about anywhere else. Class includes a peacock feather and a wooden dowel.

Prerequisites: None

Intro to Bungee Hoop w/ Mykelle Walton $46 Purchase required to enroll

This intermediate hoop workshop will introduce students to the aerial bungee hoop. With completely originally researched material Mykelle will guide students from the very beginning of this bouncy apparatus. We will explore how bounce changes our entries into the hoop, how to control the bounce for safety, and try out a few tricks and combos only accessible with bungee.

Prerequisites: Students must be able to pull-over into the hoop and have solid beat pathways.

Intro to C-Shaping w/ Lily Rubin-Miller $46 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop will ideally have both ropes and slings available for students to work on. We will go through rolling technique drills on the floor and on the sling, and learn 4 different kinds of rolls on the rope. Great for students who already have some experience with aerial arts and want to expand their repertoire to include some rolling.

Intro to Corde Lisse (aerial rope) $46 Purchase required to enroll

Come explore the challenging but versatile apparatus of Corde Lisse!

This workshop will introduce several basic “building block” rope skills and tricks. This is a great class for vertical apparatus (silks) enthusiasts interested in starting to explore the aerial rope.

Pre-requisites: Previous experience on fabric or rope, strong shoulder engagement, able to do at least 1 pull-up, invert comfortably.

Intro to Duo Cube w/ Jessa Audet and Eliana Wenick $52 Purchase required to enroll

Join Jessa and Eliana for some basic partner sequencing on the aerial jungle gym known as the Aerial Cube! We will offer some sequencing shapes but students are also encouraged to explore and create. Come with a friend or solo. Working with many different people is a fun way
to find new pathways.

Prerequisites: Basic bar knowledge or an intro bar class will be a plus!

Learn How to Juggle $15 Purchase required to enroll

Want to get started on juggling but have no idea where to start? Instagram and YouTube tutorials getting you nowhere? This workshop is for you! In this workshop for total beginners we’ll look at a variety of drills to get you started on your three ball cascade. We’ll also discuss training methodologies, important juggling vocabulary, and you’ll leave with strategies and a training plan for three ball success!

Prerequisites: None! Juggling balls will be provided but feel free to bring your own.

Middle Splits $24 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop is for anyone who wants to widen their straddle, deepen their pancake, and flatten their middle split - that is, all those shapes where your legs are stretched out to either side. These splits have never come naturally to me, so I did what any flexibility nerd would do: I hyperfixated on them until I found strategies to turn my frustration into enthusiasm. Now you can benefit from my nerdiness!

Whether your straddles look like a pizza slice or your middle split is already flat on the ground, you'll come away with a toolkit of stretches and drills to strengthen these splits, keep your hips and knees happier, and increase your range of motion.

Prerequisites: none! If you're rehabbing an injury in your hips, knees, or thighs, you'll still learn useful tips and exercises, but you'll want to be a bit cautious with this one.

Multi-Hoops of Madness $15 Purchase required to enroll

In this all-levels workshop we’ll dive into all sorts of manipulations for two and three hoops, as well as a few single-hoop fundamentals that are necessary to create manipulation magic. We’ll look at lego variations, iso-pops in all directions, and some excellent ocho-drop combos. If we have time we’ll even try to create our own variations or completely new multi-hoop manipulations.

Pre-requisites: None, though some familiarity with the following techniques will be very beneficial: isolation, chest roll, smear, ocho drop.

Partner Acro for Performance w/ John Thorpe $52 Purchase required to enroll

Come join us for a day of performative playfulness for this partner acrobatic workshop where we will explore various acro styles including L-basing, dance lifts, counterbalances, and more! This workshop will be made accessible for multiple levels of experience and size pairings – John will heavily focus on spotting and technique to allow you to achieve success. He encourages participants to try both basing and flying roles when comfortable. Expect lots of laughter and connection along with the flashy performative skills you will learn. Feel free to come with a partner or solo!

Flyers – comfortable being inverted and a 10s+ side plank
Bases – comfort supporting a human’s weight (cradle hold, piggyback, etc.), 10+ squats, 30s+ high plank

Partnering on Trapeze w/ Becca DeAngelis $46 Purchase required to enroll

People as an extension of the apparatus, working with each other and the spaces you leave between.

Pole Playtime $15 Purchase required to enroll

Ever wanted every kind of pole in one place at the same time? Enter pole playtime! Join Air Temple and visiting coaches for an advanced pole jam featuring Chinese pole, aerial pole, and more. This is a moderated jam (not a class) for advanced students comfortable practicing in a self-directed setting such as open studio. Feel free to bring ideas and inspiration to try!

Pre-requisites: a continuing pre-existing practice on Chinese, aerial, or dance pole.Participants should be comfortable executing shoulder mounts and inverting in the air multiple times. Dance pole students should be able to do leg switches, brass monkey, and extended butterfly. Chinese pole students should be comfortable practicing handstands without a spotter.

Press Handstand w/ Elsa Hall $46 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop is designed for students interested in working on their press handstands as well as stalder press. Students will be given drills and strengthening exercises designed to help master the handstand press. In this workshop we will focus on finding proper engagement as well as specific strengthening and flexibility exercises design to help pressing into handstand.

Prerequisites: Students should have a some handbalancing experience and practice, and be working towards/interested in getting their press handstands.

Rope Flow Choreography w/ Lily Rubin-Miller $46 Purchase required to enroll

This is the most advanced workshop I offer, best for intermediate to advanced level students. We focus on stringing dynamic moves together and finding transitions into and out of familiar positions on rope to make sequencing seamless. The workshop begins with exploring beat pathways and transitions that leverage momentum, working up to a final sequence that prioritizes flow and smooth continuous movement through each part. We should not all look the same in the air! Embrace your body's unique style and preferences to create your own artistry.

Prerequisites: 2 consecutive straddle beats

Slumbing from Floor to Air: Hoop w/ Mykelle Walton $46 Purchase required to enroll

Slumbling is the art of stylized tumbling, usually a mix of parkour and montreal circus vibes. In this low flying workshop we will explore the basics of sharing your weight with the floor and the hoop at the same time. We will transfer this exploration into slumbling with a hoop. Rolling into and out of the hoop seamlessly with the help of the floor.

Prerequisites: Students should be able to do a forward roll, and backward shoulder roll. They should also feel comfortable in a back balance with hands on hoop, and transitioning through single hip hang.

Social Siteswaps and Shiva Passing $24 Purchase required to enroll

Let’s get social! In this workshop we’ll look at two fun, and accessible, concepts in partner juggling that can unlock myriad new possibilities and even the opportunity to create unique patterns between two people! In both social siteswaps and shiva passing, two partners use between 3-5 objects utilizing a variety of tosses and manipulations to create multi-dimensional visuals that are very different from our usual concept of passing. In this workshop we’ll play with a variety of patterns that make use of rings, clubs, hoops, and balls, and we’ll even take time to see if we can create any unique patterns of our own!

Prerequisites: None! Because we’ll be using fewer objects and traditional juggling toss technique, this workshop is accessible to everyone–no three ball cascade required!

Sneaky Silks Theory w/ Lily Rubin-Miller $46 Purchase required to enroll

For intermediate to advanced silks students, this theory based workshop will workout your body and your mind as we deep dive into how different silks wraps relate. Nerd out about theory and learn sneaky transitions from one wrap to the next that will help your sequencing and act creation process for the rest of your life. The workshop begins with the hipkey square (fundamental to silks theory!!!), and then exploring how to transition from one wrap to the next. Class will culminate with the ultimate theory brain teaser, which also happens to have a pretty sweet drop option.

Prerequisites: catchers, 2 consecutive invert climbs

Splits for Claps w/ Ren Carter-Tucker $46 Purchase required to enroll

Everyone loves a good split! In this workshop, students will explore a variety of fun split poses, from some that are considered staples in any aerialist’s vocabulary, to some that are further outside the common realm. While splits are not required to take this workshop, they will
certainly make it a bit easier and more interactive. That said, if you want to come and observe, or take part in what you can, you are more than welcome to do so!

Prerequisites: Must feel comfortable climbing the fabric, as well as inverting. Must be comfortable staying in a position for a period of time (for example, staying upside down while moving the fabric into place). While splits are not required for this workshop, they will make it easier. However, anyone is always welcome to come try things out!

Splits on Hoop w/ Eliana Wenick $46 Purchase required to enroll

Top bar, bottom bar, elbows, armpits, all of it! Finding new pathways into different split shapes, maybe some that students have seen but upside down or across the hoop, and using different body parts as points of contact to the hoop.

Straps Choreography w/ Elsa Hall $46 Purchase required to enroll

In the choreography for aerial straps workshop, students will have the chance to explore movement using the straps for more than just skill building. This workshop will focus on choreography, movement quality with straps as well as offer pathways and transitions between skills. Students will learn how to start working with straps towards creating their own act as well as working on finding their own unique movement style with this apparatus.

Requirements: This workshop is aimed at intermediate/advanced straps students, who are comfortable inverting on the straps, and who have a desire to start creating on straps.

Swinging and Coning on Trapeze $46 Purchase required to enroll

Come float through space! We’ll focus on technique for swinging, spinning, and orbiting (aka coning) on the dance trapeze. Use your body to change directions, and make your coning or spinning movement fluid. Join Jessa for this fun movement style on the trapeze!

Prerequisites: Must be able to hang from hands for at least 10 seconds at a time, students with
bar conditioned hands a plus.

Tween and Teen Rope Hangout $38 Purchase required to enroll

This workshop will introduce higher level skills and tricks on the aerial rope. Youth students in level 5 or higher and teen students level 200 or higher.

Prerequisites: windmill hipkeys in the air, comfortable dropping saltos

Youth Duo Lyra $38 Purchase required to enroll

Join coaches Jen and Crystal for some fun partner lyra poses and transitions.

Prerequisites: ATA youth students that can perform pullover front balance on silks, climb to the top of silks, 5 seated pull-ups with ease. If you are unsure if you meet these requirements, please ask a coach before enrolling.

Youth Sling: Angel Whirl $38 Purchase required to enroll

This class is specifically for ATA advanced youth aerial students who want an opportunity to learn a fun drop and sling sequence.

Prerequisites: Good puddling technique, can do a salto and a single star drop on silks.

Youth Dance Trapeze $38 Purchase required to enroll

Join Jessa to cover some trapeze basics and get a feel for a low flying trapeze bar.
Geared toward youth students with aerial experience.

Prerequisites: None!