Chains and Loops Excite Me!
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Explore aerial loops, a versatile apparatus that consists of two looped straps. Loops can resemble straps, sling, or act as a unique apparatus with its own moves. We will learn several simple, flowy, spin sequences, allowing students to explore additional shapes before looking at how these moves can be transferred to loops’ more painful cousin, chains!
Prerequisites: Simplest sequences are suitable for beginners. More advanced students can incorporate technique learned from other classes (like straps and sling) to expand on these sequences. Recommend bringing layers that cover armpits and midriff, and backs of knees
Prerequisites: Simplest sequences are suitable for beginners. More advanced students can incorporate technique learned from other classes (like straps and sling) to expand on these sequences. Recommend bringing layers that cover armpits and midriff, and backs of knees
No upcoming schedule